Gambling Disputes Nt

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Amity provides free, confidential counselling, support and information to people affected by gambling. Services are free and confidential.

  1. Gambling Disputes Ntuc
  2. Gambling Disputes Ntu
  3. Gambling Disputes Ntd

On 10 October 2018, the complainant lodged a gambling dispute with the Northern Territory Racing Commission (the Commission) pursuant to section 85(2) of the Racing and Betting Act 1983 (the Act), against the licensed sports bookmaker, (Neds). In that complaint, the complainant alleges that: a. Family Dispute Resolution, otherwise known as mediation, is a process to help separated and divorced parents reach agreed arrangements for the care of their children. Read More Individual Counselling. The Northern Territory Racing Commission is established under the Racing and Betting Act 1983. Under Section 3A the objects of the Act are: to promote probity and integrity in racing and betting in the Territory.

Amity provides free, confidential counselling, support and information to people affected by gambling. Services include:

  • professional support for individuals who experience problems with their gambling
  • professional support for friends and family of individuals who experience problems with gambling

Amity can assist you to:

'Mr M', as he is described in official documents, lodged a gambling dispute against Betfair and has managed to get the company to refund him $150,000 in 'unlawful bets'. The details of the case are outlined in a decision by the Northern Territory Racing Commission, which regulates Betfair in Australia. On 16 April 2019 pursuant to section 85(2) of the Racing and Betting Act (the Act), the complainant lodged a gambling dispute with the Northern Territory Racing Commission (the Commission) relating to the actions of BetEasy in voiding four multi bets that had been struck on a betting market that BetEasy had offered on round 5 of the 2019 National Rugby League (NRL) season.

  • understand your motivations to gamble
  • apply strategies for coping with the urge to gamble
  • assist you through the process of behaviour change

We offer face-to-face, email and phone counselling and information services.

Amity is located at 155 Stuart Highway, Parap in Darwin. The phone number is (08) 8944 6565.

The Gambling Harm Minimisation and Education Program is funded by the NT Government through the Community Benefit Fund Program.

24/7 Gambling services in NT

1800 858 858 - 24 Hr Toll Free helpline

Gambling Disputes Ntuc

Email counselling:

A range of help resources at Amity


Gambling Disputes Ntu

A generic form of self-exclusion has been developed for use by Northern Territory gambling providers (NB: casinos have specific provisions in place). Procedures with clear, supporting documentation are available and application forms for self-exclusion are available at the venue reception, within the gambling area, adjacent to the gambling products and/or on the website. Gambling providers have to offer customers who seek self-exclusion and/or express a concern that they have a gambling problem, contact information for appropriate counselling agencies.

  • Self exclusion from a sports bookmaker.
Gambling disputes ntp

If you are unhappy with a bookmaker or betting exchange operator you can complain to the Northern Territory Racing Commission.

They can investigate and impose penalties with complaints which are upheld.

Go to the Department of the Attorney-General and Justice website for contact details for the NT Racing Commission.

How to complain

Gambling Disputes Ntd

To begin the dispute process you must fill in the online gambling dispute form. You must do this within 14 days of the event in dispute.

You must provide all of the following information:

  • the name of the bookmaker or betting exchange operator, and your betting account details
  • what you are complaining about
  • what contact you have had with the bookmaker or betting exchange operator to try and resolve the dispute, and the outcome
  • details of the bet in dispute
  • copies of information including betting slips and correspondence.

How your complaint will be handled

The Racing Commission will handle any matter involving significant amounts of money and can take any of the following actions:

  • hold a hearing and summon the people involved to give evidence on oath
  • take evidence from other people
  • request books, accounts, tickets or other documents from those involved.

If the Commission upholds the complaint it can do any of the following:

  • impose penalties including fines
  • suspend or cancel the licence of a bookmaker or betting exchange operator
  • direct the licence holder to take specific action.

Publishing the decision

Dispute or discipline decisions can be published if the Commission decides it is in the public interest.

Decisions can be released to the media without the identities of non-bookmakers/betting exchange operators.

Last updated: 04 February 2020

Gambling Disputes Nt

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