Solidworks Drawing Slot Dimension
- Ever since the additions of the slot sketch tool for 2009 and the Hole Wizard Slot for 2014, SOLIDWORKS almost seems like a whole new software for the those who design machined parts.Adding these tools were long overdue. Additionally, SOLIDWORKS supports the standard methods for dimensioning slots when they are created by using these tools.
- DimXpert speeds the process of adding reference dimensions by applying dimensions in drawings so that manufacturing features, such as patterns, slots, and pockets, are fully-defined. Dimension PropertyManager. Allows you to dimension a drawing with smart or DimXpert dimensioning. Adding Parallel Dimensions to Drawings. Reference Dimensions.
- Did you know you can give arc length by using Smart Dimension in sketch, First you give arc radius dimension, Click on both end of the arc, One again click on arc curve to get arc length dimension.
Solidworks Drawing Slot Dimensions
Don’t worry about the dimension; you can do it by using the “Smart Dimension” tool. SolidWorks Tutorial 4: How to Draw Center Rectangle. The center rectangle sketch tool needs a center point and a any one of the corner point to form complete rectangle. Follow the Step 1 in the Corner rectangle drawing tutorial. Solidworks 2009 Drawing Center Mark.
I need the dimensions marked from center to center without holes like i done in the file which is attached
2 Answers
You can construct a vertical 'centerline' on each of the rectangles and place the dimension on the centerlines.
To construct the centerlines, click insert>annotation>centerline, and select the 2 vertical edges of each rectangle.
You can delete the holes before or after, but before would probably be easiest and ensure the dimension didn't accidentally reference the holes.
Auto Dimension Solidworks Drawing
As mention by robert hoyt You can use centerlines.
Alternatively you can select smart dimenion tool and then right click on both horizontal lines and select 'Select Midpoint' option. It will give similar results.